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    RestDataSource: Evaluating JSON reply resulted in empty value

    I would like to handle the empty response of the RestDataSource.fetchData command. If the server does not provide any response (json-object in my case) I see in a FireBug an absolutely empty Rresponse tab and a message like this - 17:39:30.320 [ERROR] [...] 17:39:30.321:XRP2:WARN:RestDataSource:isc_PagedRestDataSource_0:Evaluating JSON reply resulted in empty value. JSON text: "" - in a Development Mode console. But niether DSCallback is invoked nor the "transformResponse" is executed. I see that the ISC_DataBinding.js performs logWarn with this message.
    I there any way to catch this WARN in the smartGwt application, handle it and show the message in a browser somehow?

    (SmartGWT 2.4.)

    the default RestDataSource requires some tags in it, even if there are no results.

    i believe the empty result should look like this. then your callbacks will fire.

    otherwise, it looks like you need to write a custom datasource. check the showcase for examples of this calling other rest datasources.


      Thanks for your response. Actually if the server responses nothing because of an unhandled exception on the server side there is no even this - "{}". But I see that the ISC_DataBinding.js handles that situation. I would like to catch this also.



        I have similar problem, and it's obvious that empty response need to have json format.

        But I need to secure situation when server response won't have expected format.
        for example:

        ds - some RestDataSource
        ds.fetchData(new Criteria(), new DSCallback() {
        	public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) {
        the method "execute" won't fire if response is unexpected causing insecure state of application
        I can't notify application's user: "Hey there's a problem on server or elsewhere... stop using it."

        I tried to surround some parts of my code with try ... catch - without any success.
        Is there any way to prevent such situations ?
        (rise some exception, or firing "execute" method with some error status, etc.)

