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    Horizontal and Vertical Sorting in Cube Grid

    Is it possible to do horizontal or vertical sort in a Cube Grid. I don't see them in the samples.

    It would be nice to have sorting as depicted here:


    Can Cube Facet Values be configured with a data source. So if I just create Facets, will FacetValues be generated automatically from result set? The sample given in showcase has manual FacetValue entries.

    Last edited by curiousgally; 19 Apr 2011, 03:16.

    Note: please don't ask new questions by editing a previous post. There's no notifications (to us or any other forums user) of an edit. Use editing for editing only.

    The CubeGrid supports showing sort controls (see eg setCanSortData()), but does not currently implement a client-side sorting operation since most datasets that require a cube to navigate are far too large for this. Instead there are hooks for you to do a server-side sort and rebuild the Facets.

    You can use DataSource.fetchData() to fetch data from a DataSource for programmatic use. In the case of the Cube you can create a DataSource representing your facet data and build your Facets in the DSCallback based on the Records retrieved.

    The CubeGrid also supports using a DataSource to fetch the actual cell data, as shown in the sample.


      Another note: if your dataset is small enough to be loaded completely for a client-side sort and you want that feature, it would be a valid Feature Sponsorship. Likewise if you wanted a server-side sort implementation for specific DataSource type(s).

