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    Group by in list grid disabled

    i have list grid connected to a sql data source.
    I'm using paging for the list grid. Initially the list grid default page size was 75. Most of the data in list grid would run into thousands (around 10 k). So group by was disabled . So increased the data page size to 5000. The data is retrieved fast but group by is still not available. Is there some limitation on the number of rows in list grid when group by becomes available.

    But Group by becomes available whenever query has less rows to display.


    Got this resolved.

    setGroupByMaxRecords(int) is the solution. Default is 1000 and I set it to 10,000 and didn't see much of issues. Any pointers on max records for performance issues in this.

    Also is it possible to get the row summary details along with the group header instead of a seperate row at each group level. this will give more visibility as user needs to un collapse all the groups to see group summary details.



      can somebody answer my questions?

