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    OK great - this had nothing to do with your GWT or SmartGWT upgrade, it looks like you're using a JNDI DataSource, and either you've removed the file that sets this as the default DataSource, or the name changes, or the JNDI DataSource does not exist in whatever new environment you're testing in.


      I am not using JNDI lookup at all. Nothing was change on the file after the upgrade. Here is what I have for my connection

      sql.Oracle.driver.url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(LOAD_BALANCE = ON)(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = np1psdb001-vip)(PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = np1psdb002-vip)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME =
      sql.Oracle.driver.password: ****
      sql.Oracle.driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
      sql.Oracle.autoJoinTransactions: true
      sql.Oracle.interface.type: driverManager
      sql.Oracle.driver.networkProtocol: tcp
      sql.Oracle.driver.databaseName: ESD
      sql.Oracle.driver.portNumber: 1521
      sql.Oracle.driverName: oracle
      sql.Oracle.driver.user: esd
      sql.Oracle.driver.driverType: thin
      sql.Oracle.database.type: oracle
      sql.Oracle.driver.context: _container_
      sql.Oracle.interface.credentialsInURL: false

      If what you are saying is true, why would this same configuration work for two DS and when I added the extra DS it does now want to work. Am I missing something here?


        Looks like what probably happened is that you copied over only some settings from rather than the whole file.

        Since the DataSource in question does not specify a dbName, it uses the default database. But the settings you've shown from your do not include a setting for default database, which should be:

        sql.defaultDatabase: Oracle


          I do have the sql.defaultDatabase: Oracle , define, I just cut out the connection section only. I finally got the project to work. I have to go back to all my DS and add the qualifyColumnNames="false". I am not sure what happened, but something about the update is now requiring this to be there. Or I must have deleted something out of my configuration without knowing. But that would also be strange because 2 of my project are not working because of this and they do not share configuration. I doubt that I took out something from both without knowing what is was?

          Anyway, you may know something you want to share.


            The property qualifyColumnNames="false" would not even be consulted until well after the error you're reporting. This sounds more like when you went to make these changes, you saved some unsaved changes to or some other file, and that's what actually corrected the problem. That or your IDE failed to hot deploy changes.


              I understand where you are comming from but I know what I did. I would not have changed the for two projects without knowing that I did something. We also have source control and that is not the case. And the same fix would fix it or if I take out the qualifyColumnNames="false" right now from one of my DS it would cause the same problem.


                Once again the qualifyColumnNames setting is not even consulted until an actual DSRequest is being executed. It cannot affect DataSource loading. So if someone else is reading this and trying to troubleshoot, don't waste your time flipping qualifyColumnNames on and off, this user is most likely having some kind of IDE issue and simply modifying the file is fixing and unfixing the problem for him.


                  I use Eclipse and have exactly the same problem after updating GWT to 2.3.0.
                  Did someone find a solution?


                    Which errors do you mean? There's a sticky post in the forums explaining what to do about the compile errors.

