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    How to share a Datasource amongst many SelectItems?

    SmartGWT 2.4.

    I have a RestDataSource (call it X) that is edited in a ListGrid (GridX) and also used as OptionDataSource by SelectItem-derived class (SelectX).

    I use many SelectX items on multiple DynamicForms all bound to different fields in a different DataSources, sometimes a dozen or more in a single DynamicForm.

    When those DynamicForms load, each SelectX does a fetch to the server. I do not want this.

    When I update X via its GridX the SelectXs do not refetch from the server any more since I discovered updateCaches() and am no longer invalidating X directly.

    X data is fetched very early because the GridX is always displayed first. How do I get SelectXs to not do a server fetch but instead use the previously fetched data?

    Thanks in advance,