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    Tiling problem with background images

    I mistakenly posted this thread in the wrong forum, so I'm reposting it here in the right forum


    We are evaluating SmartGWT EE.

    We have set the background image of the main (ie 1st root) component as follows:

    vStack.setBackgroundImage("ia_website_background.p ng");

    (FYI: This vStack is set to use 100% of the webpage.)

    However, when we view the webpage, the image starts to tile. Instead, we would like it to scale appropriately for the user's screen resolution. (Our current hack, which still does not fully solve the problem, is to make the image very very large, and assume that parts of it will simply get cutoff. However, when we start zooming in on the iPad's Safari browser, the image soon starts to tile again.)

    Is there a way that SmartGWT can scale the background image appropriately?

    Other details are below:

    OS: iPad 2 and Windows XP Pro
    IDE: MyEclipse 9.0 with Google Plugin for Eclipse (2.3.1) (These are all the latest software as of today).
    SmartGWT EE 2.4
    Broswer: Safari (latest, on iPad) and Chrome (on Windows XP)
    GWT SDK: 2.2 (since GWT SDK 2.3 has issues with SmartGWT EE 2.4)
    Sun JDK 1.6.0_13

    Like all components, VStack supports setStyleName(). Use standard CSS settings to control scaling vs tiling.

    SmartGWT 2.4 works with GWT 2.3, see sticky post about this.

