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    custom IDACall: how to get auth and role information

    I am using a recent nightly build. I wrote a custom IDACall service for datasource requests that works fine if I just call the super.processRequest() method - I get the debug printout so I know my class is getting used and the data is returned OK:

    public class IDACallImpl extends IDACall {
      public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
                                 HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        System.err.println("IDACallImpl.processRequest("+request+", "+response+"):\n\n");
          boolean authenticated = false;
          ...  determine if we want to override roles as set in config file  ...
          if (true) { // authenticated) {
            super.processRequest(request, response);
    The problem that I have is that I want to mix user rolls specified in a datasource configuration:

    <DataSource ID="ACTIVATION" serverType="sql"  tableName="EDENMODEL.ACTIVATION"
          <operationBinding operationType="fetch"  requiresRole="user" />
          <operationBinding operationType="update" requiresRole="admin" />
          <operationBinding operationType="delete" requiresRole="admin" />
    with occasional overrides on the server side. My problem is that I can't access the auth and role data I (try to!) set in a custom auth IDACall class that receives user's login and password:

    public class AuthServiceImpl extends IDACall {
      public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
                                 HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
        RPCManager rpc = new RPCManager(request, response);
        if (databaseEncryptedPassword.equals(encryptedPassword)) {
          rpc.setAuthenticated(true);  // DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK
          rpc.setUserRoles(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"admin", "user", "canCreateDrights"}));  // DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK
    I was hoping that when this user makes datasource requests that the roles and authentication data would be automatically used. Here is my client side code:

       new RPCCallback() {
         public void execute(RPCResponse response,
                             Object rawData, RPCRequest request) {
    So, I can make everything work if two problems are solved:

    1. get the auth and role data saved correctly so that access to tables can be role based using the default SmartServer behavior

    2. I want access to auth and roll data in my class IDACallImpl for the rare occasions I might want to override the default behavior.


    I solved this problem using different APIs.


      Can you please help me with some code examples or some tutorials or links where I can find a proper way of using roles to secure an application?

      Thank you in advance,


        Start with the QuickStart Guide section on Declarative Security. (under Server framework) and also read the information it links to.

