I use the latest version of smartgwt and after updating my code does not work anymore.
I used the example code of the showcase:
I only changed the employeeRoot to be not static and final to be able to change the attribute. Additionally I added the following method to set new childrends the EmployeeTreeNode:
First try:
After pressing a button I invoke the method setNewChildren with new children and employeeTree.reloadChildren.
Instead of displaying the new children the Tree is empty.
Second try:
If I create a new root object and add the object as new root node, the tree structure does not work any more. All elements are at the same level (no childs).
What is my mistake?
I use the latest version of smartgwt and after updating my code does not work anymore.
I used the example code of the showcase:
public static final TreeNode employeeRoot = new EmployeeTreeNode("1", "Root", new EmployeeTreeNode("4", "Charles Madigen", new EmployeeTreeNode("188", "Rogine Leger"), new EmployeeTreeNode("189", "Gene Porter", new EmployeeTreeNode("265", "Olivier Doucet"), new EmployeeTreeNode("264", "Cheryl Pearson") ) ) ); public void onModuleLoad() { Tree employeeTree = new Tree(); employeeTree.setModelType(TreeModelType.CHILDREN); employeeTree.setNameProperty("Name"); employeeTree.setChildrenProperty("directReports"); employeeTree.setRoot(employeeRoot); TreeGrid employeeTreeGrid = new TreeGrid(); employeeTreeGrid.setWidth(500); employeeTreeGrid.setHeight(400); employeeTreeGrid.setNodeIcon("icons/16/person.png"); employeeTreeGrid.setFolderIcon("icons/16/person.png"); employeeTreeGrid.setShowOpenIcons(false); employeeTreeGrid.setShowDropIcons(false); employeeTreeGrid.setClosedIconSuffix(""); employeeTreeGrid.setFields(new TreeGridField("Name")); employeeTreeGrid.setData(employeeTree); employeeTreeGrid.getData().openAll(); employeeTreeGrid.draw(); } public static class EmployeeTreeNode extends TreeNode { public EmployeeTreeNode(String employeeId, String name) { this(employeeId, name, new EmployeeTreeNode[] {}); } public EmployeeTreeNode(String employeeId, String name, EmployeeTreeNode... children) { setAttribute("EmployeeId", employeeId); setAttribute("Name", name); setAttribute("directReports", children); } }
public void setNewChildren(EmployeeTreeNode... children) { setAttribute("childrens", children); }
After pressing a button I invoke the method setNewChildren with new children and employeeTree.reloadChildren.
Instead of displaying the new children the Tree is empty.
Second try:
If I create a new root object and add the object as new root node, the tree structure does not work any more. All elements are at the same level (no childs).
TreeNode newEmployeeRoot = new EmployeeTreeNode("1", "Root", new EmployeeTreeNode("4", "Charles Madigen", new EmployeeTreeNode("188", "Rogine Leger"), new EmployeeTreeNode("189", "Gene Porter", new EmployeeTreeNode("265", "Olivier Doucet"), new EmployeeTreeNode("264", "Cheryl Pearson") ) ) ); employeeTree.setRoot(newEmployeeRoot);