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    How to assemble war/lib (eclipse)

    I am currently manually copying SmartGWT libs into my war/lib folder for deployment. I am using eclipse and the google eclipse plugin.

    I know there are better ways to do this:

    1) Create an ant build that copies the jar files. Manually update the ant build when needed.

    2) Use the eclipse WTP assembly feature. I'm curious to know if I can use this in the standard eclipse (non-J2EE) version.

    How do you assemble your deployments?

    Hi, get the Stockwatcher demo provided by Google here :

    and then take a look to the build.xml file it should help you.



      That's pretty much the ant solution - ie, just have something like this in the build.xml.

        <target name="libs" description="Copy libs to WEB-INF/lib">
          <mkdir dir="war/WEB-INF/lib" />
          <!-- Add any additional server libs that need to be copied -->
          <copy todir="war/WEB-INF/lib" flatten="true">
            <fileset dir="${smartgwthome}/lib/" includes="**/*.jar"/>
      I guess I should just wean myself off the google eclipse plugin and use ant...


        Im not sure if its the right way but here I use Google plugin to run in DevMode. You get a warning if your libs are not in the war folder, but he uses the libs found in the your classpath.

        For deploy, i use ant or maven to build my war and copy all the libs.

        If you have a better solution, please share.



          If you create a Web Project in eclipse, then the Deployment Assembly option appears. I'm still not certain how it works; I can't find good documentation on it. (eg:

          There is also a similar feature in the Google Eclipse Plugin: filesCopiedToWebInfLib

          For the moment, I add files in the war to my classpath (and copy them into the war lib folder). I prefer this method to linking to a shared JAR folder.

