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    [Problem] After resize the HTMLPane (JS-)Content is empty

    Hi everyone,

    I create a HTMLPane with a <DIV> Container as Content.
    And after that I used a native Methode to run some JavaScript Code, which will draw some Graphics into this Container.

    It all works perfect, but when I resize the Browser-Window the Graphics inside the <DIV> Container isn't visible anymore.

    Have anyone a idea?

    1. the SmartGWT or SmartClient version and browser version(s) involved;
    SmartClient Version: SC_SNAPSHOT-2010-12-31/LGPL Development Only (built 2010-12-31)
    Firefox Version: 3.6.15



    Any resize ? (even increasing window size?)
    Have you subscribe to resizes events of the HTMLPane ?


      Thx for your fast answer !

      Originally posted by jmichelgarcia
      Any resize ? (even increasing window size?)
      Yes any resize.

      Originally posted by jmichelgarcia
      Have you subscribe to resizes events of the HTMLPane ?
      do you mean the ResizeHandler() ?
      No I don't use any Handler for this.

      I thought the redraw after the resize is the reason, so I tried .setRedrawOnResize(false) on the HTMLPane, but it have no effect.

      Last edited by hgustav2; 30 Jun 2011, 07:31.


        I try to add an ResizeHandler (.addResizedHandler) and call inside this Handler the native JS methode to draw.

        But after the Browser finished the resize the graphic inside my DIV is going to hide.


          Use Firebug, and try to see if, after the resize, your graphic is still inside the DIV. Also look for differences in your HTML Code "before" and "after" the resizeEvent (using firebug).

