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    Queueing RestDataSource


    We are using a rest based server backend and we've succesfully integrated smartgwt with it using RestDataSource components. As an optimization we would like to use queueing. API documentation says that "However advanced features such as uploading / binary fields, queuing and transaction chaining, export and all server-based features aren't available with RestDataSource and need to be re-implemented as needed.".

    So I tried setting all fetch, add, update and remove data urls to point to a single url and modified operationbindings to have a same dataprotocol but for some reason queueing does not take place. I'm calling startQueue and sendQueue as instructed in RPCManager's API documentation and set the RPCManager's log level to debug but it seems that all requests are going out as single requests. Log does not indicate any reason for this.

    Should this approach work and is queueing possible with RestDataSource ?


    No, RestDataSource does not support queuing. If you're on a Java platform, the recommendation is to use the Pro product, otherwise, queuing is one of many things you'll need to re-implement.


      Ok. By saying queuing is one of things we'll need to re-implement do you mean that we have to re-implement the whole client side communication layer (own custom rpcmanager etc) or just the server side support for a some kind of format RPCManager sends the queued requests in ?


        Sort of - RestDataSource has no ability to queue up requests for later transmission in a batch, no format for sending a message containing multiple dsRequests and no handling for such a response.

        So you need to use a DataSource with dataProtocol:"clientCustom", do your own queuing, make up your own XML/JSON formats (perhaps inspired by the RestDataSource format) and use the RPCManager system to deliver them to the server, and have your own logic for processing the combined message before calling DataSource.processResponse().

        Or you could sponsor this - we've built it before for specific customers.

