This is all too strange:
In dev mode, the lines give me my expected title,
but in compiled mode, they are all null !
Compiled mode output:
Dev mode does give me the correct title:
So to check, I looped all my fields manually like this,
and for my expected field, I do get my expected title in compiled mode:
output in compiled mode:
which is ok and expected title.
So it seems that DynamicForm.getField behaves differently in compiled mode?
FireFox 4
SmartGWT EE SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-07-26
FormItem field = parentForm.getField(fieldName); Logger.debug("Found error on '"+fieldName+"' with title '" + field.getTitle()+"'" + " J:" + JSOHelper.getAttribute(field.getJsObj(), "title") +" C:" + JSOHelper.getAttribute(field.getConfig(), "title"));
but in compiled mode, they are all null !
Compiled mode output:
Found error on 'eventDateTime' with title 'null' J:null C:null
Found error on 'eventDateTime' with title 'Event Date Time' J:Event Date Time C:Event Date Time
So to check, I looped all my fields manually like this,
and for my expected field, I do get my expected title in compiled mode:
for (FormItem formField : parentForm.getFields()) { Logger.debug("field '"+formField.getName()+"' title '"+formField.getTitle()+"'"); }
... field 'eventDateTime' title 'Event Date Time' ...
So it seems that DynamicForm.getField behaves differently in compiled mode?
FireFox 4
SmartGWT EE SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-07-26