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    General purpose HttpProxy usage

    I have a bit of javascript that needs to communicate with some other server. Can HttpProxyServlet be used for more general purpose use cases, or is it meant to be used with RPCManager only?

    It's designed to contact arbitrary other servers. Just use the RPCManager or DataSources as usual, and if you provide rpcRequest.actionURL or dataSource.dataURL as a URL to another host address, the HttpProxyServlet will be used automatically to relay the request.


      Sorry, I guess that first attempt wasn't very clear. What I was trying to ask is whether I might use it to proxy requests from javascript written outside the SmartClient/SmartGWT framework. i.e., no RPCManager or datasource.

      Hoped maybe there was a way to specify a targetUrl in some request parameter or something.


        Oh - no it was not designed to relay arbitrary requests from third-party code, but that's probably something where you can find sample code to do it if you Google around a bit.

