Hello; it would be nice if the SmartGWT Maven repository were proxied by Sonatype's Nexus: http://nexus.sonatype.org/oss-repository-hosting.html
I find that the SmartGWT Maven repository is very slow when included in a list of Maven repositories. Maven, as you know, treats all repositories as equal, so in the absence of a repository manager will attempt to download missing artifacts from each repository in turn until it finds it. Proxying this repository is of course possible, but it would be nice if it were already proxied by a nice, big, hairy, robust Maven repository such as oss.sonatype.org.
I am happy to try to make this happen on behalf of Isomorphic if you guys are pressed for time.
I find that the SmartGWT Maven repository is very slow when included in a list of Maven repositories. Maven, as you know, treats all repositories as equal, so in the absence of a repository manager will attempt to download missing artifacts from each repository in turn until it finds it. Proxying this repository is of course possible, but it would be nice if it were already proxied by a nice, big, hairy, robust Maven repository such as oss.sonatype.org.
I am happy to try to make this happen on behalf of Isomorphic if you guys are pressed for time.