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    Selenium and Bamboo (from Atlassian)

    I'm guessing this is a long shot, but has anyone been able to successfully integrate Selenium-based Ant targets into a Bamboo build? I have been able to create Selenium junit tests and test suites, and wrap them in Ant tasks, and can get them all to run within Eclipse. But once I try to incorporate those Ant targets into an existing Bamboo build, I am having no luck, and there are very few life signs that give any indication of what is different or going wrong...

    Thanks in advance.

    We've not done this, but we've looked into it, and it's true that Bamboo doesn't give a crystal clear explanation of what it expects in the JUnit output. Absent any better example, we'd recommend sending back hardcoded JUnit results until you see Bamboo react in the way that you want, then designing your real tests around that expected result format.


      It turns out that using the "brief" formatter in the junit task does the trick:

      <junit printsummary="false" haltonfailure="true">
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>

      Output is then sent to the Ant console, which Bamboo displays. With this info, I was able to diagnose and fix the underlying problems causing the Ant errors.


        Thanks for posting, we may need that same trick someday as well.

