Hi Isomorphic,
I think I found a bug in SmartGWT 2.5 eval with FF6.0.0:
Have a look at the following code:
Now see the following pictures:
1) DB entry ("Aachen")
2) Picklist for "Aache"
3) Picklist for "Aachen" ---> imho an error
4) Picklist for "aachen"
Could you please check this?
I think I found a bug in SmartGWT 2.5 eval with FF6.0.0:
Have a look at the following code:
final ComboBoxItem stadt2 = new ComboBoxItem() { { setName("stadt2"); setPickListWidth(stadt1.getPickListWidth()); setTitle("Stadt (nach)"); setEmptyPickListMessage(stadt1.getEmptyPickListMessage()); setCompleteOnTab(stadt1.getCompleteOnTab()); setValueField("id"); setDisplayField("name"); setOptionDataSource(stadtDS); setFilterLocally(stadt1.getFilterLocally()); setAutoFetchData(stadt1.getAutoFetchData()); } }; //this is the interesting part: stadt2.setPickListFilterCriteriaFunction(new FormItemCriteriaFunction() { @Override public Criteria getCriteria(FormItemFunctionContext itemContext) { String value = stadt2.getValueAsString(); Criterion crit = new Criterion("name", OperatorId.ICONTAINS, value); return crit; } });
1) DB entry ("Aachen")
2) Picklist for "Aache"
3) Picklist for "Aachen" ---> imho an error
4) Picklist for "aachen"
Could you please check this?