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    Collapsible Form Field Sets

    I'm trying to achieve something like in the attached image. Anybody has done this before.

    I see two approaches to it:

    1) Using sectionStack: Knock of all the images involved for headers etc, change background header color, images, remove borders etc..will help a bit. Not sure if this would suffice.

    2) TreeGrid: Is it possible to add Form Groups to a tree.

    Somebody can guide me on the easiest possible way to achieve this.

    Attached Files

    I'm trying to get rid of the small 10px group border to the left of the Group Title. Through rendered HTML and CSS, I could see that it's rendering because Left:10px which is causing this. How do i remove the gap so that Group border looks similar to in the image. Making this setting to 0px and removing Left-padding to GroupLabel will look like what is in the image. I know padding can be knocked off based on entry in the Style css file but how about the 10px setting.

    Also any input on achieving the opener/closer functionality shown in the attached image.

    Last edited by curiousgally; 20 Sep 2011, 11:55.


      #1 is probably the easier approach. You can skin the SectionStack to look like the open/close icon plus the top line, plus an elbow at the end of the line in open state, which can connect with a border created by the component being revealed. Use the StretchImg-based isc.SectionHeader class as your base class for skinning. In the open state, the right-side end cap of the SectionHeader media should be the elbow shape.


        Did you ever come to a solution? I was wanting to do the exact same thing with the form grouping. I like the grouping and it really separates out different aspects of our form in a nice way. It would be excellent if there was an option to be able to open/close it.



          We ended up with a custom component having an image (for the + and - effect) and a layout box with a border to achieve the result. I no longer have access to the code we had and so really don't remember the exact details.


