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    Howto to add a clickhandler to parts of a label

    Hello, using SmartGWT Power 2.5 official release.

    I have a simple use-case, that seems to baffle me at the moment.

    I fetch some tweets from Twitter, and render them using a series of HTMLFLow, inside a VStack. Pretty straightforward. Inside a tweet can be a '@username' substring, or a '#hashtag' substring. I would like to add a clickhandler to these words. Is something like this possible? In plain Javascript I would just create a <span> around it, and use some jQuery selection on it, and add a clickhandler.

    What approach would you suggest? Or am I going to need some JSNI?

    The most "formal" way to do it would be to break up the Twitter string and render it as a series of separate HTMLFlows so that you could add event handlers, use styling APIs, etc all from Java.

    You could alternatively drop down to GWT's lower-level DOM oriented APIs (such as Element) and use an approach more similar to your JQuery approach.

    Finally there's nothing wrong with literally using JQuery if you're comfortable with it - you can do via JSNI.


      Great! I'll try the series of HTMLFlows, no need to create another dependency. Thanks for listing these alternatives.


        The question with the series of HTML flows is getting them to flow as a group, such that it looks like it's one piece of text.

        What container would you suggest? I kind of need some wrapping HStack, that automatically goes to new line after the end is reached.


          On second thought, I'm going for the JSNI+jQuery approach.

          However, I get a jQuery not available Javascript exception. Is SmartGWT removing this? I included jQuery in my welcome html:
              <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
              <meta name="gwt:property" content="locale=nl_NL">
              <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
          And I just use this as my native function:
          	public static native void attachTweetClickHandlers(SocialFeedWidget w) /*-{
          		//attach JS clickHandlers to this, that call the NativeTweetElementClickedHandler
          		jQuery('.social-dashboard-twitter-hashtag').click(function(event) {
          			//get id
          			var myId = jQuery(this).attr("id");
          			//call the method that fires the callback to the correct widget instance

          This is supposed to work right? Or is SmartGWT clearing the DOM from external scripts? Or is this because I run it in Dev mode or something?
          Last edited by Sytematic; 21 Sep 2011, 02:58.


            (For reference)

            Great, got it working, the jsni code should be like this:

            public static native void attachTweetClickHandlers(SocialFeedWidget w) /*-{
            		//attach JS clickHandlers to this, that call the NativeTweetElementClickedHandler
            		$wnd.jQuery('.social-dashboard-twitter-hashtag').live("click", function(event) {
            			//get id
            			var myId = $wnd.jQuery(this).attr("id");
            			//call the method that fires the callback to the correct widget instance
            Notice the 'live' method instead of a normal 'click' method.

