Smartgwt Version : 2.4 and using Smartgwt EE.
In multiple column sorting, when we wrongly add a filter twice, we are getting a error message saying, "Columns may only be used once: $title is used multiple times". We dont want to see message with $title, instead we would like to show column name which was wrongly applied twice. How to do this change ?.
Any sample code would be fine. Since we are using Enterprise edition, we are using only Java rather than javascript or JSON. Is there a java API available to set the column name ?. Pls. provide a sample code. Thanks in advance.
In multiple column sorting, when we wrongly add a filter twice, we are getting a error message saying, "Columns may only be used once: $title is used multiple times". We dont want to see message with $title, instead we would like to show column name which was wrongly applied twice. How to do this change ?.
Any sample code would be fine. Since we are using Enterprise edition, we are using only Java rather than javascript or JSON. Is there a java API available to set the column name ?. Pls. provide a sample code. Thanks in advance.