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    tabbing through CanvasItem in grid

    This is an interesting topic and something I'm facing as well. When in edit mode in a row, a column has a CanvasItem editor and pressing TAB seems to skip over it. I couldn't find a sample in the showcase where a CanvasItem is used as editor in a ListGrid.

    It's particularly interesting what happens if the CanvasItem itself has multiple objects which should get focus :) (e.g. like the built in date editor having 3 dropdowns in

    Before I get into this myself a bit more, are such APIs already covered with the new development done for CanvasItem in SmartGWT 3 ?


    Not sure what new development you have in mind - some built-in editors are CanvasItems and tabbing works fine, so the thing to do is show a CanvasItem where you are having trouble.


      Huh, not sure what went wrong here in the forum - this was supposed to be a reply on instead of a new topic where jay.l.fisher was ending if you need to do it all yourself to support TAB and SHIFT+TAB.

      I also think my canvasitem editor when used in a DynamicForm is skipped when using Tab, so it's not limited to ListGrid edit mode, but I'll investigate some more.

