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    How do I listen for a fetch response?

    I have a CubeGrid for which I am setting a DataSource like so,

    DataSource ds = DataSource.get("productRevenue");		
    I am simply specifying a productRevenue.ds.xml, which is bootstrapped to my HTML file. I am not dynamically creating a server side DataSource and I am not programatically creating a DataSource on the client-side. I have a couple of questions regarding dealing with a DataSource in this way.

    1. Is there a way to listen for when the fetch operation returns? I am benchmarking/profiling and would like gather metrics for the total time from creation request of the CubeGrid to when data appears in the CubeGrid (once the fetch command returns and the new records are created and set into the report). Is there a particular way to do this?
    2. Is there a way to override the transformRequest/Response with a DataSource such as this?