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    Capture ListGrid FilterEditor KeyDown Event

    Be sure your post includes:

    1. Smart GWT 3.0 nightly build

    I've got a standard list grid showing a filter editor. I need to capture when a user presses a key inside the filter editor. Is this feasible?

    I know I can subscribe to the filterData event but that only gets called when the user presses the Enter or Return key and I need to capture other key strokes.

    I know the ListGrid has a KeyDown and KeyPressed event but since the FilterEditor is separate from the ListGrid, handling those events doesn't help.

    If there's no way to capture FilterEditor keydown events, is there a way to capture all global keystrokes in Smart GWT?

    Any suggestions on how to handle this case would be greatly appreciated!

    Isomorphic -- any hints here?

    Otherwise, I will just roll my "own" filter editor which seems a little silly since the built-in one is totally sufficient it just doesn't let me capture key down events.


      Sorry for the thread bump again, but I have a customer waiting on this feature and I can only delay so long before I just need to build my own and would prefer to leverage the features and widgets of smart gwt.



        Bumping yet again...

        Isomorphic - any plans to include a key down or key press event handler on a list grid's filter editor?

        Or do I need to write my own control and then just add it to the listgrid's setComponents method?



          Bumping thread again...

          Isomorophic - Any plans to introduce a key down or key press event on the Listgrid's Filter Editor? I want to introduce custom behavior when my client starts typing in the filter editor?

          Is my fallback to create a custom control and add it to the list grid instead of the filter editor by calling ListGrid's setComponents method and passing in my custom control?

          I'd rather not have to reinvent the entire filter editor just to handle a key down event.



            Isomorphic -

            Any chance to weigh in here?

            Should I wait and hope a key-down filter editor event emerges in the new future? Or should I just re-implement the Filter Editor using a form item and some textboxes?

            A yes or no answer would be very much appreciated.


              Isomorphic -

              Any chance to weigh in here?

              Should I wait and hope a key-down filter editor event emerges in the new future? Or should I just re-implement the Filter Editor using a form item and some textboxes?

              A yes or no answer would be very much appreciated.

              Or better there any way to get the ListGridFilterEditor component/widget and attach a key down event to it?
              Last edited by chimpeenuts; 19 Feb 2012, 19:03.


                See listGridField.setFilterEditorType().

                Just buy support if you need help, generally speaking, bumping a thread 6 times telling us your customer is affected but you won't buy support is not something that's going to get your issue looked at sooner.
                Last edited by Isomorphic; 20 Feb 2012, 16:23.


                  Thanks for the suggestion on support. I hadn't considered that option. I will send in a quote to see how much it costs.

                  For the record, the suggested solution, setEditorType, does not allow you to capture events on the ListGridFilterEditor, only when a record cell is being edited.

                  So I'm assuming the answer to my question is no and I will just suck it up and re-invent the wheel...with a key down event.

                  Thank you for responding to my question...won't bump again.


                    Sorry that should have said setFilterEditorType() - previous post corrected as well.


                      Ah Thanks for the update.

                      I didn't even think to look for setFilterEditorType...

                      Sometimes it's easy to miss something in the extensive API.

                      Will still be looking into support since there are some additional issues that we are dealing with...

                      Thanks again for the help =()

