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    Sending ListGrid data to clipboard

    I am trying implement a 'Copy' button within my application that will send data from multiple grids/datasources to the (system) clipboard. I am using the LGPL version of SmartGWT. What is the best way to go about accomplishing this?

    Plenty of examples in JavaScript - anything for Java?


      There are new samples in 3.1d under Grids -> Copy & Paste that show doing this in order to copy grid cells to an Excel spreadsheet. Note they do not try to interact with the system clipboard directly - most browsers don't allow this due to security concerns.


        I am under a deadline and this is really helpful!


          I have checked through the entirity of the showcase 3.0 for Grids -> Copy & Paste, but no luck. Some help finding that example would be much appreciated.


            Help is available in post #3 above - note 3.1d not 3.0. 3.1d builds are available from

            Even if you are queasy about moving to the new version, the sample will help you figure out what to implement if you implement this feature yourself.


              I have downloaded 3.1d as directed. I have opened a new project in IntelliJ just to view the code. Any help to getting to the correct project and code concerned would be really great. In the middle of a death march and I cannot find the sample code. I guess I would owe you a beer after this :-)


                Maybe you're looking in the Pro/EE Showcase. These new samples don't require Pro+ Edition, they are in the LGPL Showcase that comes in the LGPL build.


                  I have seen some browser specific implementations using javascript anything for Java? Somebody at the top wants to see it done - so I don't mind doing a browser agent check.


                    We don't know if anyone has wrapped it in GWT Java, but if you've discovered a JavaScript implementation you want to use, just call it using JSNI (see core GWT docs for details).

