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    Delete Record - Show Custom Validation Message

    SmartGWT 2.5 Used for Development

    Hi, I have check the validation related on GWT based on following

    It is a good use of validation for checking whether tracking number in "ORDER" table exist or not before saving the "Complaints Form".

    If, For Example, we would like to delete "ORDER" record, A pop up message "violated - child record" appear bocz Complaints have record related with "ORDER".

    I would like to ask how I can override the this message with my own custom one if we try to delete record ??
    GWT just provide example handling records that are related with other but not vice versa.

    Many Thanks for your help

    That's not a validation problem, you just need to implement cascading delete. Some databases will do this automatically based on the table declaration, if not, you can add a DMI to do it by creating and executing a second dsRequest server-side (see QuickStart sections on DMI).

