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    Filter icon gone in listgrid in Chrome.

    Using the Power nightly of Nov 8th 2011, when deployed, I don't see the filter-editor icon on the top-right corner of a listgrid.

    In Firefox this works.

    Chrome version:
    Google Chrome	15.0.874.106 (Official Build 107270)
    OS	Mac OS X [Lion]
    WebKit	535.2 (@98043)
    JavaScript	V8
    User Agent	Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.874.106 Safari/535.2
    Command Line	 /Applications/Google Chrome -psn_0_10852953 --flag-switches-begin --enable-print-preview --flag-switches-end
    Executable Path	/Applications/Google Chrome
    Profile Path	/Users/marten/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default
    This used to work. Not sure what causes it. But something is wrong, because if it works in one browser, it should also work in the other :-)

    Quite right, it should work in the other. But that doesn't mean it's a SmartGWT problem. Do a GWT compile, clear your cache, then if the problem is still there, see if there is an attempt to load the image while is resulting in a 404 - this will be visible in Chrome's developer tools.

    Also bear in mind, hosted mode in Chrome doesn't work due to core GWT and Chrome bugs (see FAQ).


      Alright. Cache etc. cleared, didn't help. I know about the Chrome dev mode, but this was in compiled (deployed) mode on Chrome. Also cleared cookies.

      What I am doing right now is added gwt-logging (for those wondering: to log the non-smartgwt uncaught javascript exceptions. Maybe this shows what is going wrong.

      Will post back soon. Thanks for the swift reply.
      Last edited by Sytematic; 8 Nov 2011, 09:55.


        Again the best next step would be to look for a 404. So far as we know, there are no JavaScript exceptions that we do not report - not unless you write your own JavaScript or introduce third-party JavaScript libs. So that may be a pointless exercise, and could even damage the error reporting you already get from SmartGWT.


          Alright, removed that logging stuff, and checked if there was a 404. There wasn't.

          It didn't request the image.

          See the two small screenshots attached, one is Firefox (correct), one is Chrome, Mac Os X Lion (incorrect).

          It seems that the complete scrollbar is gone in Chrome (ie. that whole column). I don't have any extra CSS that might cause troubles.

          ALSO: I just figured out that on Chrome 15.0.874.106 on Windows 7, it DOES work.
          Attached Files


            Ah, screenshots always help. What's happened here is that you're using Simplicity skin, which uses the operating system's default scrollbars, and in MacOS Lion, the default is now that the operating system just does not show scrollbars except during actual scrolling.

            You could:

            1. switch skin

            2. change skin settings to force use of synthetic scrollbars

            .. unfortunately these aren't especially attractive since they weren't intended to be used (they look the same as the "Fleet" skin scrollbars). But we'll update this to something that doesn't clash.

            3. as a temporary measure - tell Lion to put the scrollbars back


              Okay thanks.

              Regarding point 3.

              Any idea to whom I should address this now that Steve is no longer with us?

              (Or were you actually serious, and is there some OSX Lion setting that goes back to previous behaviour? :-) Sorry, sometimes sarcasm doesn't make it all the way to The Netherlands)


                It's an end-user preference.

                We've also just run across this article claiming a CSS way to get scrollbars back.

