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    Canvas or Layout about <wbr> or <nobr> html tag

    SmartGWT 2.5 Used

    Hi, in html, we can use <wbr> and <nobr> to handle the reposition of component in our webpage if the browser's size is changed.

    In SmartGWT, we use Layout and Canvas to add member into it. Can we add the <wbr> & <nobr> to Canvas & Layout to handle the issue ? If we can, which api that we can use?

    Many thanks for your help and support

    What is the issue you're trying to solve with <wbr> / <nobr>?


      Originally posted by Isomorphic
      What is the issue you're trying to solve with <wbr> / <nobr>?
      My situation is like this. I Use Canvas and Layout to add member inside them.
      I find Canvas & Layout may use the table or <nobr> to add component inside it because the component hide as the browser width is smaller than Layout's width.

      In fact, I would like these components acting like <wbr> tag so the components will not hide horizontally and layout can extends vertically with scroll bar.

      I have try Overflow.Clip_V but it does not work. How can I solve this issue. Thx


        Sorry, we're not following that explanation. Perhaps you could explain with some screenshots of the intended appearance.


          Originally posted by Isomorphic
          Sorry, we're not following that explanation. Perhaps you could explain with some screenshots of the intended appearance.
          Sorry, maybe I can not clearly express my situation, I use photo to explain instead.
          I want the canvas & Layout in smartgwt can performance like following

          The Initial browser show following image.

          I continue resize the browser horizontally and show the following, you can find the image will reposition vertically and there is vertical scroll bar for user to scroll. ( I think this one acting like tab <wbr>, this effect is also what I want )

          However, I find smartgwt's layout & canvas will work like this instead. The image is still keep in its original position and horizontal scroll bar appear for user to scroll. (I think this one acting like tag <nobr> )

          Thanks a lot. I hope I can express clearly and you can help on this issue


            Take a look at FlowLayout, it's designed for doing this.

