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    SmartGWT 3.0 release date?


    I have read at beginning of November that SmartGWT 3.0 will have been released in some weeks. Until now it is not. Is there already a release date? Will it be released this year or next year?

    I am struggling with this because we want to upgrade from SmartGWT Pro 2.x to SmartGWT Pro 3.0 because of the FacetChart API which is currently in SmartGWT Pro 2.x not available (only in Power + Analytics).

    We prefer to use the SmartGWT FacetChart API in our project but we definately need to know if it is released this year or not.

    Thank you!

    Looks like you haven't checked the download page - it's out.


      Thank you, didn't see this (because in this forum is only a release note about 2.5 but not on 3.0).

      What do you think about migration from 2.4 to 3.0? Do you expect any problems or is 3.0 generally downward compatible?

      Thank you.


        One more question.. can a developer still use the 2.5 license if we buy him a 3.0 license?


          Expect some problems. Depends on your style, how you build screens. We have to rework it in our project and this was only 2.4 -> 2.5 migration. Today I tested against 3.0 and our project can't start about 60% of FormDetails because some strange error with reused components.
          However previous migration 2.4 -> 2.5 took about 2 days. In reality not big deal.


            Yes you can use 2.5 if you buy a 3.0 license.

            Pavel that's quite a unique experience, most people experience upgrades as simple drop-in replacements.



              3.0 LGPL is not yet available on the maven repository, and despite of the link to google code indicating it can be downloaded there, is not there either

              Is it going to be available any time soon?


                Thank you both for the information!


                  Either was a lucky coincidence or I must thank you Isomorphic for reading the post

                  3.0 is now up on both google code and on Maven a couple of hours ago

