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    Non blocking validators

    Hi, just a question:

    Do non-blocking (server) validators exist?

    field_capacity = 200
    field_booked = 150

    validator on field booked:
    if (booked > capacity) set blocking validation with message "Overbooked!" (so a user must do some manual work to get booked under capacity)
    if (booked > capacity - 20) set non blocking validation with message "Almost sold out"
    else don't set any validation icon

    When the window with these fields on is opened, we could perform a form.validate() to immediately show validation errors on these items. We show all validation messages on top of the screen, so immediately the user sees the message "Almost sold out".

    Presumably you've already looked at the DMI Validation samples in the EE Showcase - these show non-blocking validators. What exactly is your question - is the behavior you talk about something you want to achieve, or something you don't want to happen?


      Thanks, I'll have a deeper look in that sample how it works exactly.

      My thoughts are more what form.validate() which returns just a boolean does with blocking and non-blocking validation errors; if the framework 'knows these' at all and treats them differently.

