I'm seeing something strange:
=> shows the sort number & direction arrow in the grid columns and sorts the 2 columns (OK)
Now I don't want users to mess with the sort, so I disable it:
=> shows the sort number, but no direction arrow (any reason for that? NOK), and the sorting is actually NOK on the 2nd column. Changing it into DESCENDING, doesn't do a thing either.
So I'm guessing a multi sort isn't going OK when setCanSort is false?
Also tried with
but that gives the same bad result.
SmartGWT 3.0 SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-12-05/Pro Deployment (built 2011-12-05)
I'm seeing something strange:
grid.setCanSort(true); SortSpecifier specifier1 = new SortSpecifier(F1, SortDirection.ASCENDING); SortSpecifier specifier2 = new SortSpecifier(F2, SortDirection.ASCENDING); grid.setSort(new SortSpecifier[]{specifier1, specifier2});
Now I don't want users to mess with the sort, so I disable it:
grid.setCanSort(false); SortSpecifier specifier1 = new SortSpecifier(F1, SortDirection.ASCENDING); SortSpecifier specifier2 = new SortSpecifier(F2, SortDirection.ASCENDING); grid.setSort(new SortSpecifier[]{specifier1, specifier2});
So I'm guessing a multi sort isn't going OK when setCanSort is false?
Also tried with
grid.setCanSort(false); grid.setCanMultiSort(true);
SmartGWT 3.0 SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-12-05/Pro Deployment (built 2011-12-05)