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    Passing Additional Information back in DSResponse

    Is there a way to return back additional data back to the client in DSResponse when invoking custom operation implemented by a server object?

    One use case I have exports data as a temporary file via a custom export operation. Upon success, I'd like to return the absolute path to the temporary file back to the client as part of DSResponse, so the information can be displayed to the user.

    I tried to do this by setting the DataSource properties on the server side. However, there is no corresponding getProperty method on the client side, and getAttribute() does not return the property value set on the server side.

    Are server properteis == client attributes? Are there restrictions on what properties / attributes can be set?

    Version: SmartGWT-ee 3.0

    Any kind of data response should be incorporated into


      So, setData(Object o) on the server side? On the client side, is the data then accessed as a Record[] object?

      In that case, what's the mapping from Object to Record[] - since there is no Record object on the server side.



        See the QuickStart Guide sections on DMI, especially "Returning Data" and be sure to click through to the referenced materials.


          Thanks. It works now.

