Hello, using smartgwt power 3.0
I have the following operationbinding, which works in dev mode, but not in deployed mode on Tomcat 6.
It's rather long, yes, and generated, too.
Anyway, it gets the closest shops and a whole bunch of other data. As criteria i pass in $criteria.lat and $criteria.lng (the geo coords of the user). These values are not resolved. Note that I used the excludeCriteriaFields bit in the operationbinding to prevent them from being included in the $defaultWhereClause. But again, on dev mode this resolves, on deployed mode it doesn't.
Other velocity stuff IS correctly resolved (like startRow et al).
Is this a bug, or is something wrong on my server?
I have the following operationbinding, which works in dev mode, but not in deployed mode on Tomcat 6.
<operationBinding operationType="fetch" requiresAuthentication="true" requiresRole="" operationId="ShopJsonWebserviceDataSourceImplDefaultFetchOperation" excludeCriteriaFields="lat,lng" customCriteriaFields="name,street,number,zipcode,city,phone, description , fileTitle, fileName , tagName , title, itemDescription, largeDescription, thumbImg, distance , tagName , fileTitle, fileName , startDate, endDate "> <customSQL> SELECT Shop.Shop_id AS Shop_Shop_id, Shop.name AS Shop_name,Shop.description AS Shop_description,Shop.street AS Shop_street,Shop.number AS Shop_number,Shop.zipcode AS Shop_zipcode,Shop.city AS Shop_city,Shop.country AS Shop_country,Shop.phone AS Shop_phone,Shop.email AS Shop_email,Shop.lat AS Shop_lat,Shop.lng AS Shop_lng,Shop.distance AS Shop_distance , Shop.Mall_id AS Shop_Mall_id , mediaItems_MediaItem.MediaItem_id AS mediaItems_MediaItem_MediaItem_id , mediaItems_MediaItem.fileTitle AS mediaItems_MediaItem_fileTitle , mediaItems_MediaItem.fileName AS mediaItems_MediaItem_fileName , shopTags_ItemTag.ItemTag_id AS shopTags_ItemTag_ItemTag_id , shopTags_ItemTag.tagName AS shopTags_ItemTag_tagName , items_Item.Item_id AS items_Item_Item_id , items_Item.title AS items_Item_title , items_Item.itemDescription AS items_Item_itemDescription , items_Item.largeDescription AS items_Item_largeDescription , items_Item.thumbImg AS items_Item_thumbImg , items_Item.ItemType_id AS Item_ItemType_id, items_Item.Shop_id AS Item_Shop_id , tags_ItemTag.ItemTag_id AS tags_ItemTag_ItemTag_id , tags_ItemTag.tagName AS tags_ItemTag_tagName , media_MediaItem.MediaItem_id AS media_MediaItem_MediaItem_id , media_MediaItem.fileTitle AS media_MediaItem_fileTitle , media_MediaItem.fileName AS media_MediaItem_fileName , dates_ItemDate.ItemDate_id AS dates_ItemDate_ItemDate_id , dates_ItemDate.startDate AS dates_ItemDate_startDate , dates_ItemDate.endDate AS dates_ItemDate_endDate , dates_ItemDate.Item_id AS ItemDate_Item_id , ((ACOS(SIN($criteria.lat * PI() / 180) * SIN(lat * PI() / 180) + COS($criteria.lat * PI() / 180) * COS(lat * PI() / 180) * COS(($criteria.lng - lng) * PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515 * 1.609344) AS Shop_distance FROM ( SELECT Shop.Shop_id, Shop.name,Shop.description,Shop.street,Shop.number,Shop.zipcode,Shop.city,Shop.country,Shop.phone,Shop.email,Shop.lat,Shop.lng,Shop.distance , Shop.Mall_id FROM Shop LIMIT $dsRequest.getStartRow(), $dsRequest.getEndRow() ) AS Shop LEFT OUTER JOIN Shop_mediaItems_MediaItem ON Shop.Shop_id=Shop_mediaItems_MediaItem.Shop_id LEFT OUTER JOIN MediaItem mediaItems_MediaItem ON mediaItems_MediaItem.MediaItem_id = Shop_mediaItems_MediaItem.MediaItem_id LEFT OUTER JOIN Shop_shopTags_ItemTag ON Shop.Shop_id=Shop_shopTags_ItemTag.Shop_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ItemTag shopTags_ItemTag ON shopTags_ItemTag.ItemTag_id = Shop_shopTags_ItemTag.ItemTag_id LEFT OUTER JOIN Item items_Item ON Shop.Shop_id=items_Item.Shop_id LEFT OUTER JOIN Item_tags_ItemTag ON items_Item.Item_id=Item_tags_ItemTag.Item_id LEFT OUTER JOIN ItemTag tags_ItemTag ON tags_ItemTag.ItemTag_id = Item_tags_ItemTag.ItemTag_id LEFT OUTER JOIN Item_media_MediaItem ON items_Item.Item_id=Item_media_MediaItem.Item_id LEFT OUTER JOIN MediaItem media_MediaItem ON media_MediaItem.MediaItem_id = Item_media_MediaItem.MediaItem_id INNER JOIN ItemDate dates_ItemDate ON items_Item.Item_id=dates_ItemDate.Item_id WHERE ($defaultWhereClause) AND dates_ItemDate.startDate <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND dates_ItemDate.endDate >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ORDER BY Shop_distance ASC </customSQL> </operationBinding>
Anyway, it gets the closest shops and a whole bunch of other data. As criteria i pass in $criteria.lat and $criteria.lng (the geo coords of the user). These values are not resolved. Note that I used the excludeCriteriaFields bit in the operationbinding to prevent them from being included in the $defaultWhereClause. But again, on dev mode this resolves, on deployed mode it doesn't.
Other velocity stuff IS correctly resolved (like startRow et al).
Is this a bug, or is something wrong on my server?