Should smartgwt's date related components honor the GWT's standard DateTimeFormatInfo ? I'm running the application in finnish locale and LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().getDateTimeFormatInfo() getters return formats as follows:
[INFO] Running on locale: fi
[INFO] dateFormat: d.M.yyyy
[INFO] dateFormatFull: EEEE d. MMMM y
[INFO] dateFormatLong: d. MMMM y
[INFO] dateFormatMedium: d.M.yyyy
[INFO] dateFormatShort: d.M.yyyy
These values are right but still smartgwt renders the dates in listgrid cells in "mm.DD.yyyy" for some reason.
I know there are setters in DateUtil to finely control the formats for rendering and inputting but I'm really trying to avoid hard coding all locales when all formats are provided by the gwt platform anyway.
Using smartgwt lgpl 3.0.
Should smartgwt's date related components honor the GWT's standard DateTimeFormatInfo ? I'm running the application in finnish locale and LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().getDateTimeFormatInfo() getters return formats as follows:
[INFO] Running on locale: fi
[INFO] dateFormat: d.M.yyyy
[INFO] dateFormatFull: EEEE d. MMMM y
[INFO] dateFormatLong: d. MMMM y
[INFO] dateFormatMedium: d.M.yyyy
[INFO] dateFormatShort: d.M.yyyy
These values are right but still smartgwt renders the dates in listgrid cells in "mm.DD.yyyy" for some reason.
I know there are setters in DateUtil to finely control the formats for rendering and inputting but I'm really trying to avoid hard coding all locales when all formats are provided by the gwt platform anyway.
Using smartgwt lgpl 3.0.