Using SmartGWT 3.0 power.
I'm pretty sure what I want to achieve is possible, but I don't know how.
I got the following SelectItem, as an editor of a ListGridField:
So, on clicking the SelectItem, a drop-down-ListGrid is displayed with records from the optiondatasource "Teacher". This will be containing first / last name combo's. Upon selection, I 'd like to display this in the SelectItem. Now It shows only the firstname. I tried, as you can see, SelectItem.setValueFormatter, to no avail (the Record r parameter doesn't seem to be updated to reflect the selected record in the drop down listgrid)
Which API (on SelectItem probably?) should I use?
Using SmartGWT 3.0 power.
I'm pretty sure what I want to achieve is possible, but I don't know how.
I got the following SelectItem, as an editor of a ListGridField:
ListGridField tea = new ListGridField("Teacher_id", teacherMessages.name_single()); SelectItem teaSel = new SelectItem(); teaSel.setOptionDataSource(DataSource .get("Teacher")); teaSel.setValueField("Teacher_id"); teaSel.setDisplayField("surname"); teaSel.setAllowEmptyValue(true); teaSel.setPickListWidth(700); ListGrid TeacherListGrid = new ListGrid(); TeacherListGrid.setShowFilterEditor(true); TeacherListGrid.setFilterOnKeypress(true); ListGridField t1 = new ListGridField("tussenvoegsel", teacherMessages.tussenvoegsel()); t1.setWidth(40); teaSel.setPickListFields( new ListGridField("firstname", teacherMessages.firstname()), t1, new ListGridField("surname", teacherMessages.surname()), new ListGridField("companyName", teacherMessages.companyName()) ); teaSel.setPickListProperties(TeacherListGrid); teaSel.setValueFormatter(new FormItemValueFormatter(){ public String formatValue(Object value, Record r, DynamicForm form, FormItem item) { Object v = value; String f = r.getAttribute("firstname")==null ? "" : r.getAttribute("firstname"); String t = r.getAttribute("tussenvoegsel")==null ? "" : r.getAttribute("tussenvoegsel"); String s = r.getAttribute("surname")==null ? "" : r.getAttribute("surname"); if(r.getAttribute("surname") == null || "".equals(r.getAttribute("surname"))) { return r.getAttribute("companyName"); } else { return f+t+s; } } }); tea.setEditorType(teaSel); tea.setDisplayField("surname");
Which API (on SelectItem probably?) should I use?