Hi Isomorphic,
I found a weird bug when I tried to integrate you example http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/...bobox_category in my project.
I use a bound ListGrid and want to display many columns of my optionDataSource, so I use "setPickListFields(...)".
This is my code:
What happens is that the Dropdown changes its design as you can see in the attached pictures. Note on pictures 3,4 and 5 how the design of the Dropdown changes from no header to header to header with correct width (width given in ds.xml file).
I'm on the 3.0 eval with FF 9.0.1 and tried both development mode out of Eclipse Indigo SR1 as well as deployed to Tomcat 7 (all on local Win7).
Can you confirm the report?
Do you need more code?
Best regards,
I found a weird bug when I tried to integrate you example http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/...bobox_category in my project.
I use a bound ListGrid and want to display many columns of my optionDataSource, so I use "setPickListFields(...)".
This is my code:
boundList = new ListGrid(); boundList.setFields(); final ListGridField anredeIdLGF = boundList.getField("ANREDE_ID"); final DataSource anredeDS = DataSource.get("T_ANREDE"); anredeDS.setCacheAllData(true); ComboBoxItem anredeIdCBI = new ComboBoxItem() { { setOptionDataSource(anredeDS); setValueField("ID"); setDisplayField("NAME"); ListGrid ddLG = new ListGrid() { { setDataSource(anredeDS); setFields(); } }; setPickListWidth(400); setPickListFields(ddLG.getField("SHORTNAME"), ddLG.getField("NAME"), ddLG.getField("DESCRIPTION")); } }; anredeIdLGF.setEditorType(anredeIdCBI);
<DataSource schema="mySchema" dbName="Oracle" tableName="T_ANREDE" ID="T_ANREDE" dataSourceVersion="1" serverType="sql" > <fields> <field primaryKey="true" hidden="true" name="ID" type="sequence"></field> <field name="SHORTNAME" title="Kurzform" length="20" type="text" width="50"></field> <field name="NAME" title="Ausgeschrieben" length="50" type="text" width="100"></field> <field name="DESCRIPTION" title="Beschreibung" length="100" type="text" width="250"></field> <field name="MODIFIED_BY" hidden="true" type="int"></field> <field name="MODIFIED_AT" hidden="true" type="datetime" title="Geändert"></field> </fields> </DataSource>
Can you confirm the report?
Do you need more code?
Best regards,