SmartGwt 3.0p 1-31-2012 nightly
Gwt 2.4
Firefox 6.0
I have a SelectItem defined as follows....
When I select the dropdown box from my form, the SelectItem is populated correctly with all of the available Employees. I also see the selection check box, due to setMultiple(true).
However, as I go and select each employee that I want using the supplied Checkbox, the DisplayField of my SelectItem does not get populated with my Selections.
In order for me to have my selections displayed on my SelectItem, I not only have the select each employee with the corresponding Checkbox, but I also need to click outside the Checkbox area, but within the PickList so that all of my selections are displayed.
This just doesn't seem to be functioning properly.
Gwt 2.4
Firefox 6.0
I have a SelectItem defined as follows....
final SelectItem employeeName = new SelectItem("EmployeeId"); employeeName.setTitle("Choose Employee"); employeeName.setMultiple(true); employeeName.setOptionDataSource(employeesDS); employeeName.setValueField("EmployeeId"); employeeName.setDisplayField("FirstName"); employeeName.setRequired(true); employeeName.setPickListWidth(450); ListGridField fName = new ListGridField("FirstName"); ListGridField lName = new ListGridField("LastName"); ListGridField pos = new ListGridField("Position"); ListGridField dob = new ListGridField("DateOfBirth"); ListGridField passportExp = new ListGridField("PassportExpiration"); employeeName.setPickListFields(fName, lName, pos, dob, passportExp);
However, as I go and select each employee that I want using the supplied Checkbox, the DisplayField of my SelectItem does not get populated with my Selections.
In order for me to have my selections displayed on my SelectItem, I not only have the select each employee with the corresponding Checkbox, but I also need to click outside the Checkbox area, but within the PickList so that all of my selections are displayed.
This just doesn't seem to be functioning properly.