This thread mentions that ListGridEditorCustomizer and alwaysShowEditors were not designed to work together. I'm wondering if you have any ideas for workarounds to create similar functionality? I understand that the editor to display is calculated in real time when the user begins editing a cell. In my case, the calculation of all editors could be done once upon initially loading the form, so it doesn't need to be checked each time an edit is started. I would still need the ability to use different editors within a single ListGridField, however.
Are there any alternative ways to set up a custom editor configuration in a ListGrid and then use alwaysShowEditors(true)?
I'm using SmartGWT 3.0 in Chrome and FF.
Are there any alternative ways to set up a custom editor configuration in a ListGrid and then use alwaysShowEditors(true)?
I'm using SmartGWT 3.0 in Chrome and FF.