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    TreeGrid with Grouping

    In one piece of our application I'd like to show a tree of data that is grouped into sections on a particular field. So, it would appear similar to this example, but instead of simply flat rows within each group it would show each group as a tree (I'd potentially like to show grid summaries for each group as well.)

    Seeing that TreeGrid extends ListGrid, the API would appear to support this by calling "treeGrid.setGroupByField(fieldName)". However, when I try this the grid renders no data (and if I instead simply switch the class type to a ListGrid instead or don't call that method, then it works fine.)

    So, before I dig much further I thought I'd ask: does TreeGrid support grouping in the same fashion as ListGrid does? And if not, are there any plans to enable that kind of capability?

    (BTW - I've tried updating to latest 3.0p nightly build, and saw the same behavior.)
    Last edited by moxiesquinn; 27 Feb 2012, 12:49.

    Just bumping this thread up to see if anyone has any quick thoughts. Is the TreeGrid component supposed to be able to support record grouping (like a regular ListGrid) via a call to the "treeGrid.setGroupByField(fieldName)" method, or is that not supported?

