I am testing SmartGwt EE 3.0 (version SC_SNAPSHOT-2012-02-21_v8.2p/EVAL Deployment).
My data structure is very simple.
I often need to use operationBindings / tableClause / whereClause ...
That mean I will have to buy the power licence.
Am i wrong somewhere or is that possible to declare a Datasource without needing this features.
Is that possible to 'simplify' these Datasources to avoid the needing of the power features ?
I am testing SmartGwt EE 3.0 (version SC_SNAPSHOT-2012-02-21_v8.2p/EVAL Deployment).
My data structure is very simple.
I often need to use operationBindings / tableClause / whereClause ...
That mean I will have to buy the power licence.
Am i wrong somewhere or is that possible to declare a Datasource without needing this features.
Is that possible to 'simplify' these Datasources to avoid the needing of the power features ?
<DataSource dbName="Mysql" tableName="X_UTILISATEUR" ID="UTILISATEUR" dataSourceVersion="1" generatedBy="Phi 18/03/2012" serverType="sql" > <fields> <field name="ID_UTILISATEUR" type="sequence" title="id" hidden="true" primaryKey="true" /> <field name="LOGIN_UTILISATEUR" type="text" title="Login" required="true" length="45" /> <field name="PASSWORD_UTILISATEUR" type="password" title="Password" required="true" length="100" /> <field name="NOM_UTILISATEUR" type="text" title="Nom" required="true" length="45" /> <field name="PRENOM_UTILISATEUR" type="text" title="Prénom" required="true" length="45" /> <field name="NOM_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR" type="text" tableName="X_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR" hidden="true" /> <field name="ID_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR" type="integer" title="Profil" displayField="NOM_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR" required="true" foreignKey="PROFIL_UTILISATEUR.ID_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR" /> </fields> <operationBindings> <operationBinding operationType="fetch"> <tableClause>X_UTILISATEUR, X_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR</tableClause> <whereClause>X_UTILISATEUR.ID_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR = X_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR.ID_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR AND ($defaultWhereClause)</whereClause> </operationBinding> </operationBindings> </DataSource>
<DataSource dbName="Mysql" tableName="X_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR" titleField="NOM_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR" ID="PROFIL_UTILISATEUR" dataSourceVersion="1" generatedBy="Phi 18/03/2012" serverType="sql" > <fields> <field name="ID_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR" type="sequence" title="id" primaryKey="true" hidden="true" /> <field name="NOM_PROFIL_UTILISATEUR" type="text" title="Nom" required="true" length="45" /> </fields> </DataSource>