Hello all,
I'm a beginner in SmartGWT and I started to work on automatic tests for SmartGWT GUI. I'm trying to simulate click on a row in a table which should take me to the other page:
def xPathTable = "//table//*"
myPage.getByXPath(xPathTable).each { elem ->
def page = elem.click()
synchronized (page) {
page.wait(500) //ms
if (page?.asText()?.contains('myString')) {
println elem
But, nothing happens for none of the elements I got in xPathTable, click doesn't seem to work here.
Can someone help?
SmartClient version is SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-08-02/LGPL Development Only (built 2011-08-02)
Additionally, what do you suggest as the best way to test ListGrid behaviour using htmlunit?
Thanks in advance!
I'm a beginner in SmartGWT and I started to work on automatic tests for SmartGWT GUI. I'm trying to simulate click on a row in a table which should take me to the other page:
def xPathTable = "//table//*"
myPage.getByXPath(xPathTable).each { elem ->
def page = elem.click()
synchronized (page) {
page.wait(500) //ms
if (page?.asText()?.contains('myString')) {
println elem
But, nothing happens for none of the elements I got in xPathTable, click doesn't seem to work here.
Can someone help?
SmartClient version is SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-08-02/LGPL Development Only (built 2011-08-02)
Additionally, what do you suggest as the best way to test ListGrid behaviour using htmlunit?
Thanks in advance!