Hi Guys,
What is Already Working :
I have a Customer Datasource with some datasource fields and a DatasourceField "Addresses" of Type "DataSource" and Multiple =true. like:
Customer can have many addresses and AdressDS has some fields as well :
I am using GWTRPC datasource and in my "excutefetch" operation of CustomerDS I load Customer data alongwith Addresses and set the attribute "addresses" with the converted Records[] of Adresses for my datasource field.
(no fetch or update operation is used from addressDS)
I have bound the CustomerDatasource with a Form. All fields of customerDS are shown with a nestedListGrid with option to add/remove/update the adresses. Please see the attached file
I found it very pleasing and happy with it since its a very strong feature.
P R O B L E M :
The only Problem is that i want to customize the layout of this NestedListGrid Component generated by SmartGWT. I though i could override the ListGrid in similar fashion as normal form Fields. but overriding doesn't work.
Could someone specially Isomorphic can help me with this. I would really appreciate the help
My implementation is based on the following thread :
What is Already Working :
I have a Customer Datasource with some datasource fields and a DatasourceField "Addresses" of Type "DataSource" and Multiple =true. like:
DataSourceField addresses = new DataSourceField("addresses"); addresses.setTypeAsDataSource(adressDS); addresses.setMultiple(true);
public AdressDS(){ setID("addressds"); DataSourceField f=addDataSourceField("addressid", FieldType.INTEGER, "AdressID", true,false); f.setHidden(true); addDataSourceField("street", FieldType.TEXT, "Straße", false,true); addDataSourceField("houseno", FieldType.TEXT, "Hausnr.", false,true); addDataSourceField("zip", FieldType.TEXT, "Zip.", false,true); addDataSourceField("city", FieldType.TEXT, "Stadt.", false,true); } protected DataSourceField addDataSourceField(String name, FieldType type,String title,boolean primaryKey,boolean required){ DataSourceField f = new DataSourceField(name,type,title); f.setPrimaryKey(primaryKey); f.setRequired(required); addField(f); return f; }
I am using GWTRPC datasource and in my "excutefetch" operation of CustomerDS I load Customer data alongwith Addresses and set the attribute "addresses" with the converted Records[] of Adresses for my datasource field.
(no fetch or update operation is used from addressDS)
I have bound the CustomerDatasource with a Form. All fields of customerDS are shown with a nestedListGrid with option to add/remove/update the adresses. Please see the attached file
I found it very pleasing and happy with it since its a very strong feature.
P R O B L E M :
The only Problem is that i want to customize the layout of this NestedListGrid Component generated by SmartGWT. I though i could override the ListGrid in similar fashion as normal form Fields. but overriding doesn't work.
Could someone specially Isomorphic can help me with this. I would really appreciate the help
My implementation is based on the following thread :