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    explicitly specified value for field[s] 'toJSONString,parseJSON'

    I am having some bizarre issues, hoping you can help me out here.

    SC_SNAPSHOT-2012-03-18_v8.2p/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2012-03-18)

    Dev Console Output:

    Any ideas what is going here, I'm at a total loss. Thanks in advance.


    Someone had added a json.js library to the project that appears to have caused all kinds of problems. Is there a json library that is compatible with your api?
    Last edited by jpappalardo; 24 Sep 2014, 09:42.

    From your description it sounds like removing this third party library resolved the issues you were seeing? If not please let us know and we'll try to run your posted code on our end and let you know what we find.

    RE your question
    Is there a json library that is compatible with your api?
    Can we back up and ask what exactly you're trying to achieve? We do have the JSONEncoder class which may already give you the functionality you're after. There are also some JSON utilities built into GWT.
    As an aside, in general we do try to "play nice" with other javascript libraries and tools, though certain kinds of changes to underlying functionality can make this impossible.
    We are not familiar with the particular issue you hit here, but before pursuing that further, let's make sure we're not already providing the functionality you're looking for!


      We are using a browser plugin supplied by a contractor which provided the json library for deserializing inputs and outputs to their product. I have used some of your json capabilities for a flash plugin we are using, and the only issue I have had with it thus far is there no means to get it to translate a list of records with a date in it, and get an easy to use value into flash. I have to actually modify the records to change the dates to Date.getTime() in the record and then pass it through, and then reverse the results coming back out of flash. One of our engineers will be meeting with the vendor tomorrow, and I will have more details on what we will need by the end of the week.


        You probably have the very very old version of json.js, which long since retracted, which adds an extra property to every Object (extremely bad practice).

        See the docs for JSONEncoder.dateFormat - sounds like you didn't notice this property.

