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    DrawPane "Bring to Front" method

    Using SmartGWT 3.0 GA (details below) in *dev* mode, I have drawn a series of "drawlines" onto a drawpane. All is well. However, when the lines overlap, one line may appear "above" the other line. How can move a draline "to the front", ie a "bring to front" operation? Does SmartGWT 3.0 GA support such an operation?

    Tech Details:
    SmartClient Version: SC_SNAPSHOT-2011-12-05/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2011-12-05)
    Browser: Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1

    To be more clear: the best would be to have a property on a set of drawlines where they could alwasy/permanently be set to "stay in back" a permanent low z-order, if you will. Does SmartGWT 3.0 GA support this?


      I'm also interested in controlling the order of DrawItems on a DrawPane. Is there any clean way to do so?

