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    how to use API with OAuth, when using the API is configured as a REST data source

    I am new to Smart GWT and I am looking to create a REST API which uses OAuth for authentication...what I want to know is, can I access the REST API with the LGPL edition of Smart GWT? What I am confused about, is whether I will be able to authenticate with the REST API and then communicate with it to fetch/update/store data... Also, how do I send across the OAuth signature/access token to the server, when using REST data source? Similarly, how do I authenticate with a REST API that uses Authsub/other methods (Like Amazon Identity Management?)

    Can such requests to REST API be made with Smart GWT's REST data sources?
    And will this require Pro/Power editions, or is LGPL Edition sufficient?

    And finally, how do I implement the above? Any pointers would be helpful...
    Last edited by arvindikchari; 23 Mar 2012, 04:31. Reason: additions to question


    I did something similar using the LGPL edition (though not for OAuth).

    I had to construct and pass additional request headers (which is what I think is what you'd be doing with OAuth).

    It might help you to look at the following areas of the documentation: DSProtocol, RestDataSource.operationBindings, and RestDataSource.transformRequest().


