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    Visual Behavior Strange with Plugins

    SmartGWT 3.0
    Firefox 7
    IE 8

    I have an application with two plugins that live in Window objects. Using any theme other than Simplicity or Fleet causes very strange visual behavior to occur when the Window that contains the plugin (Flash and Firebreath) pass over another window.

    Basically the plugin goes behind certain elements but stays above others. Is there any explanation or possible fix for this?

    This is a native browser issue known as "burn through". For Flash it can generally be corrected by adding <param name="wmode" value="opaque"> to the <object> tag.


      That setting is there on the Flash plugin. The behavior is still present however with certain themes.


        What's the exact visual effect - are you seeing something like the border around the window being occluded by the plugin, while the main part of the window is not occluded?


          What ends up happening most noticeably is that the top portion of a Window (the title bar) will disappear behind the plugin (Flash and FireBreath) while 1. dragging, and 2. If the Window containing the plugin is brought to front.

          Basically anytime the container containing the plugin is in the same x, y space part of the other window demonstrate that burn through type behavior.

          BTW, I know there is a private email for times when a screen shot or problem may not want to be posted publicly. I can post a screen shot there if can point me to the proper address.



            You can use the address to provide confidential materials - this sounds like a case where a screenshot will help, as it's not normal to have burn through of the title bar, only the decorative edges.

