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    Widgets in GroupSummary of listgrid, possible?

    Hello, this might be a bit far fetched, but is it currently possible to put like a button in a group summary ?

    It would be cool to be able to like directly delete everything from a group, for instance.

    I'm curious to hear! I could implement this requirement in different ways, but this seemed an interesting way...

    PS: 3.1 feature list seems very impressive. Can't wait! any date? :-D

    Slightly different question:
    Is it possible to format the group title? For instance, I would like to group on the Student_id column in a grid of students, but then make the group title like '#123 John Smith' instead of '123'.

    If there are then two John Smiths, they both get their own group with an appropriate group title.

    Is something like this possible?


      Did you already see the getGroupTitle() override? Anything wrong with it?

      Note that this override could also be used to inject HTML, such as links, which would be one way of making the group line interactive / adding "widgets" to it.


        I think you are referring to the normal stuff you can do with setIsGroup right?

        I am actually referring to the ListGrid group titles of a ListGrid on which ListGrid.groupBy("myField"); is called.

        By default, each group is showing the value of the field "myField". I'd like to modify this. Possible?


          Yes - ListGridField.getGroupTitle() is what you need


            Thanks, that works. I used it in combination with setGroupValueFunction to group on Student_id rather than lastname (since Student_id is unique, and lastname not necessarily)

