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    customizing date filterbuilder options

    When using filter builder with **date** fields, is it possible to change the default options that appear in the drop-down for the date selected? Specifically, we don't want to see entries that relate to the future, such as "tomorrow", or "current day of next week", or "N months from now" etc.

    (As an aside, we had no trouble changing the filter conditions using the validOperators method.)

    Miscellaneous Infrastucture Details:
    OS: Windows XP Pro
    IDE: MyEclipse 10.0 with Google Plugin for Eclipse (2.5)
    SmartGWT Pro 3.0 (Purchased Licence)
    Browser: Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1
    GWT SDK: 2.4.0
    Sun JDK 1.6.0_27

    I am trying to solve the same problem.

    Is there a way to use the RelativeDateItem options in either a FilterBuilder or applied to a DataSourceField?

