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    Freeze handler in ListGrid

    Hi folk,

    Is there an event that catches the column freeze state changed in the listGrid?

    Is there any one know?


      Isomorphic please reply if this exist on the SmartGWT or not?


        I'm wondering the same, since I notice that saving the ViewState contains the frozen attribute. But when a field becomes frozen, no handleFieldStateChanged is fired. Only when the user e.g. makes the width larger of a field, the ViewState will store that he has frozen that field.

        The toggleFrozen does fire handleViewStateChanged, but that one is also fired when the selection changes, which is not needed in our app.


          We've addressed this in 3.1 and 4.0 - please retry with a nightly of November 14 or later


            using v8.3p_2012-11-30/Pro Deployment (built 2012-11-30)

            I think this is fixed now: upon freezing a field in the context menu, a FieldStateChangedEvent is fired.
            Before this fix, this did not happen, so in order to 'save' the viewstate on a FieldStateChangedEvent for the frozen column, the user had to make a column larger to get this event fired.
            That's fixed and OK.

            But I'm seeing the same problem now for sorting:
            - sort column X by clicking its header => no FieldStateChangedEvent got fired
            - make a column large => a FieldStateChangedEvent got fired which includes the "column X is sorted" property.


              This has been addressed in 3.1p and 4.0d - please retest with a nightly build of 12/2 or later

