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    Fleet Selected Tab

    Perhaps you can help me to fix fleet. For some reason there is no way to discern which tab is selected in this theme.

    Also I have tried all of the themes, and there seems to be some inconsistency amongst which icons are available in which theme ie picker icons.

    Is there an expectation on our part to make sure themes are complete?

    Is there an expectation as to which of your themes are actually production ready?

    None of us particularly like fleet, but it and simplicity seem to be the only two themes where we do not encounter issues with the browser plugins we are using. All other themes seem to lose the top of Windows behind plugins making them such that they cant be moved, resized, or closed(very annoying).

    Here is an example of a lost Window. This does not happen in Fleet and Simplicity. But all of the rest of the skins seem to have this issue.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by jpappalardo; 5 Apr 2012, 07:34.


      What you're seeing is not skin issues per se, but browser bugs with plugins + CSS that manifest unpredictably. We've never seen the specific effect shown in this screenshot, which is very, very odd, and it may be due to attempts on the part of the plugin vendor to hack around browser bugs, which are then interacting with our workarounds.. it's a messy area through no fault of SmartGWT's.

      It looks like you may just be using the stock Google Earth plugin here and not one of your proprietary ones. If you can give us a way to reproduce this problem we can take a look.


        I'm inclined to think it would be simplest to hand you a zip file of our project. We have the exact same issue with all 3 plugins we are using; flash, google earth, and a proprietary plugin from a 3rd party. I'm inclined to think that the issue is due to how we have set up our application to run as a whole.


          Due to the vagaries of JPA and Java dependencies, it could take a very long time to get such a .zip up and running and see the problem. A better approach is just to grab your code for creating the two portlets shown and drop it into one of the sample projects, stub out it's data access stuff and see if you can re-create the burn-through effect from just that.

