smartGWT Power 4/6 nightly build, Firefox 10.0.2,
The link item in the following form appears as expected when the form is not linked to a ValuesManager. But when the form has a ValuesManager, the link item appears as a box.
No problem for me to work around since I can put the LinkItem on a separate form, but I thought I would report it.
The link item in the following form appears as expected when the form is not linked to a ValuesManager. But when the form has a ValuesManager, the link item appears as a box.
No problem for me to work around since I can put the LinkItem on a separate form, but I thought I would report it.
final DynamicForm form = new DynamicForm(); form.setNumCols(4); form.setColWidths(110, 175, 110, "*"); form.setPadding(5); form.setSize("650", "180"); form.setSaveOnEnter(true);"Value manager is "+dataImportElementValueManager); //!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link Item appears fine if line below is commented out */ form.setValuesManager(dataImportElementValueManager); final SelectItem driverSelectItem = new SelectItem("driver", CONSTANTS.Driver()); driverSelectItem.setValueMap(DataImportSettingsGUI.getRDBDriversValueMap()); driverSelectItem.setWidth("*"); final TextItem urlClassTextItem = new TextItem("url", CONSTANTS.DataBase_URL()); urlClassTextItem.setWidth("*"); urlClassTextItem.setAttribute("browserSpellCheck", false); final TextItem userNameTextItem = new TextItem("userName", CONSTANTS.UserName()); userNameTextItem.setWidth("*"); userNameTextItem.setAttribute("browserSpellCheck", false); final PasswordItem passwordItem = new PasswordItem("password", CONSTANTS.Password()); passwordItem.setWidth("*"); final SelectItem tableNameSelectItem = new SelectItem("tableName", CONSTANTS.Table_Name()); tableNameSelectItem.setOptionDataSource(tableDS); tableNameSelectItem.setAutoFetchData(false); tableNameSelectItem.addChangedHandler(new ChangedHandler() { public void onChanged(ChangedEvent event) {"Executing change handler for table name selection. Posting change to memory."); dataImportElementValueManager.saveData();"Ran tableNameSelectItem save data."); } }); // if the driver, url, user and password can establish a connection, load the available tables from the database String driver = (String) driverSelectItem.getValue(); String url = (String) urlClassTextItem.getValue(); String userName = (String) userNameTextItem.getValue(); String pass = (String) passwordItem.getValue(); if (driver != null && url != null && userName != null && pass != null) { Criteria crit = new Criteria("driver", driver); crit.addCriteria("url", url); crit.addCriteria("userName", userName); crit.addCriteria("password", pass);"Looked up tables in database to set the table selection picklist. Database url is " + url); tableNameSelectItem.setPickListCriteria(crit); tableNameSelectItem.fetchData(); } else {"Database driver, url, username or password is null. Can't setup table name pick list options at form build."); } // Add a hyperlink to test the database connection and retrieve the table names from the database for the table selection pick list // User can select this hyperlink once he fills in the driver, url, username and password info in the form LinkItem linkItem = new LinkItem(); linkItem.setHeight(20); linkItem.setTitle(" "); //linkItem.setLinkTitle(CONSTANTS.Test_Connection()); linkItem.setLinkTitle("Testing"); linkItem.addClickHandler(new { public void onClick( event) { String driver = (String) driverSelectItem.getValue(); String url = (String) urlClassTextItem.getValue(); String userName = (String) userNameTextItem.getValue(); String pass = (String) passwordItem.getValue(); if (driver != null && url != null && userName != null && pass != null) { Criteria crit = new Criteria("driver", driver); crit.addCriteria("url", url); crit.addCriteria("userName", userName); crit.addCriteria("password", pass);"Looking up tables in database " + url); tableNameSelectItem.setPickListCriteria(crit); tableNameSelectItem.fetchData(new DSCallback() { // tell the user if the connection was established public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData, DSRequest request) {"In test connection hyperlink DSResponse callback."); int status = response.getStatus(); if (status < 0) { SC.warn("Database connection failed."); } else { SC.say("Connected to database."); } } }); } else { SC.warn("Database connection failed. Url, user name and Password must be non null."); } } }); form.setFields(driverSelectItem, urlClassTextItem, userNameTextItem, passwordItem, linkItem, tableNameSelectItem);