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    Custom LoadingWindow and AbsoluteLeft

    Hello everyone,

    As part of an SmartGWT app, I'm developping a custom LoadingWindow which basically show a modal grey mask in front of some sections of my page.

    In fact, my web page has a sequential loading mechanism as the RPC responses arrives.

    The purpose of my LoadingWindow is to put this transparent modal mask in front of the section that aren't yet loaded (meant to prevent the end-users the click).

    For this to happen, I use a mask (a simple Layout) and I set its Left and Top attributes based on the sections layouts.

    I'm running on a issue where I'm trying to retrieve the getAbsoluteLeft() and getAbsoluteTop() properties of a SectionStack element.

    It seems that the SectionStack is not immediately drawn and so, AbsoluteLeft and Top are returning me wrong values (zero). Which causes my loadingWindow to be misplaced.

    Is there an elegant solution to this ?

    Best Regards.

    Info : Using FF11 & SmartGWT 2.5

    No one has a clue on that ?

